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Monday, September 18, 2006



Okay, so what am I doing? This is quite clearly a Podcast website - and I have my own blog elsewhere - (todaytomwrote.blogspot.com) but here I am writing a blog-style entry on TWT. Is this a sign of greater things to come for this homey little .com, or like that photo of myself (left) am I just asking for trouble?

Well, to be honest, I don't know what I'm doing. I never know what I'm doing - that's part of my charm. But, gosh-darn it, I had the urge to do some good ol' fashioned bloggin' and somehow TWT seemed to be the place to do it!

I had a great time on Saturday morning. My phone buzzed it's familar text-message jingle. It was ex-housemate, good friend, fellow blogger Dan. "Brekkie and coffee and jeeves at our place 9 am", he texted. Sounds fun. I asked the Mrs and she urged me out (a little too hastily?) and before long I was knocking on a familiar door. And the rest, as they say, is breakfast.

Why do I relay this little tail? I'm not too sure - the old memory is getting a tad hazy these days. I ... oh, yes, blogging. Spending the morning with Dan and Jono made me want to blog. Y'see, Dan has always been my blogging inspiration. His blog goes back to the dawn of blogging itself. And Jono, well, his blog only has two entries, but it's really quality over quantity that he's going for. And, while the allure of the microphone is not without its charm, my digits were longing to caress the QWERTY once more and re-join the ranks of the blogosphere.

What say ye, faithful few? A multi-modal Ten with Tom? The idea has merit. What do you think?


I enjoyed the blog entry. It harkened back to the good old SGR days.
brilliant! i must say Tom, you're always ahead of the rest when it comes to podcasting or blogging. and you're always welcome for brekkie/coffee/beer and a cryptic... :)
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A Cool Little Game For You!

Difficulty setting: - - -

Clicks used:

Current score:

Solve speed:

How to play:
Click on one of the buttons in the playing field
to subtract 1 from that button's value,
as well as from the values of the 4 surrounding ones.
Set all buttons to '0'.
Example (a click on the "2" in the middle):
Things you should know:
  • As soon as you click on "New", a new game starts.
  • The score starts counting down from 1000.
  • The quicker you finish, the higher your score will be.
  • "Undo" and "Hint" as well as using more "Clicks" than the current difficulty setting requires,
    will all make you lose a couple points.

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