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Sunday, August 20, 2006


Wheelie bins - after

Wheelie bins - after
Originally uploaded by Tom from TenwithTom.com.
Here lies the remains of our two Wheelie bins. May they rest in peace...

why did you burn your bins? you'll need them
I wasn't us. It was some person or persons unknown. A vandal, I suspect.
That "I" should actually be an "It". Not that I'm too fussed. But this way it looks like lots of people are commenting on my blog.
Thanks anonymous.
i was impressed when i saw THREE comments
Why did you have a photo of the bins "before"? Who takes photos of their bins? Or is the "before" photo actually a simulation that was actually taken "after" with different bins?
Hey, that's a great question, Anonymous. Actually somebody of the same name already asked a very similar question in the Comments section of the other photo.
Basically, no, I didn't have a "before" picture lying about, it is mearly a piece of photographic "jjiggery-pokery" as the pros say.
Well, I guess that teaches me to not read the comments on both pictures!! (from a cousin of yours, named "Anonymous")
Don't mention it. Actually, I now have half a mind to do a bit a photo catalogue of my home and contents - you never know when a before picture just might come in handy.
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How to play:
Click on one of the buttons in the playing field
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as well as from the values of the 4 surrounding ones.
Set all buttons to '0'.
Example (a click on the "2" in the middle):
Things you should know:
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  • The score starts counting down from 1000.
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