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Thursday, July 27, 2006


TWT: Sup Bro! (14)

So anyways, I know that this isn't the most frequent podcast in existence, but this time it wasn't entirely my fault. Y'see, my usual host simply refused to accept this file for some reason, then... [insert typical boring technical excuse] ...without even so much as a snorkle.
Anyhoo, here's what went down (let no man say I didn't do decent Shnotes):
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Nice show, it was cool that you could record with Dave.

Couple of things:

I did get my tonsils out, don't do it if you're thinking about it. They say it's easier in children but adults have a tough time recovering from the surgery. I almost died from it, truly speaking. Hemorrhaging, clotting issues, and surgeries. I think I was in the hospital for a week but I don't recall at all, I was on morphine (so sick I couldn't even enjoy it!).

The Twin Cities is referring to St. Paul and Minneapolis, which are neighboring cities, both equally large, loosely seperated by the Missippi River (it isn't the true border), and are the core of an even larger metropolitan area. Minnesota is the state we're holed up in. For more "reliable" information on the Twin Cities look here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twin_Cities

Shnotes! That's genius! i love it.
Thanks Nic! Let it be known -
"Shnotes" (c) 2006 Ten with Tom
boo and/or yah is all i can say to such great podcasting. i'm peeking myself...dare i say! love yer work, Tom, keep it up! catch ya ;)
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