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Thursday, July 27, 2006


TWT: Sup Bro! (14)

So anyways, I know that this isn't the most frequent podcast in existence, but this time it wasn't entirely my fault. Y'see, my usual host simply refused to accept this file for some reason, then... [insert typical boring technical excuse] ...without even so much as a snorkle.
Anyhoo, here's what went down (let no man say I didn't do decent Shnotes):
Email: Tom@TenWithTom.com
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Friday, July 14, 2006


Three in the can

Would you believe it? There are now three versions of TWT 14, and none of them will get to the the light of d.
I'm finishing off my week in sunny, sunny Queensland, which is partially why there has not been an episode for a while. I did record an episode about a week before I left, but just didn't like how it turned out. Then I recorded another - much better, but it wouldn't upload and I was out of time to play my computer's little games. Finally, I managed to "lay down" an episode in Sydney on my way up here, co-hosted by my bro Dave, but again, didn't manage to upload it before I had to catch my bus to the airport.
Who knows? Maybe all three shows will find their way onto the TWT special features DVD.
We can but hope.

A Cool Little Game For You!

Difficulty setting: - - -

Clicks used:

Current score:

Solve speed:

How to play:
Click on one of the buttons in the playing field
to subtract 1 from that button's value,
as well as from the values of the 4 surrounding ones.
Set all buttons to '0'.
Example (a click on the "2" in the middle):
Things you should know:
  • As soon as you click on "New", a new game starts.
  • The score starts counting down from 1000.
  • The quicker you finish, the higher your score will be.
  • "Undo" and "Hint" as well as using more "Clicks" than the current difficulty setting requires,
    will all make you lose a couple points.

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  2. Up the top, click on the Advanced menu and scroll down and select Subscribe to Podcast
  3. In the text box that appears, type in http://feeds.feedburner.com/tenwithtom
  4. Click OK
  5. Congratulations! You're now ready to spend Ten with Tom!
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