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Tuesday, January 10, 2006
TWT: Missing Bits (7)
Call off the search party! It's okay - I'm fine. Marriage finds me very well, and at last I have been able to sit down with my orange computer and slap together a show. It's a bit longer than ten minutes, but hey, aren't they all? Yes. Send your g'days, comments, greetings and Ten Points entires to, or call the TenLine on (US) 206 20 20 Tom.
Download the episode direct or subscribe to the feed!
Thanks all, catch you next week,
Here's what went down:
- Comment from Tom's wedding by Tom, Phil and Dave.
- Welcome from Tom
- Banana joke from Charles
- More banana jokes from DJ Max and Nico
- Message from Michelle
- Cranky Pants
- A dumb comment
- Lobsters and limericks
- G'days from Aaron, Shelly, Dianne S, Bruce the Zedcaster, Cat, Daryl and John from Northern Ireland.
Download the episode direct or subscribe to the feed!
Thanks all, catch you next week,
A Cool Little Game For You!
- How to play:
- Click on one of the buttons in the playing field
to subtract 1 from that button's value,
as well as from the values of the 4 surrounding ones. - Objective:
- Set all buttons to '0'.
- Example (a click on the "2" in the middle):
0 1 2 3 2 --> 3 0 1 2 1
- Things you should know:
- As soon as you click on "New", a new game starts.
- The score starts counting down from 1000.
- The quicker you finish, the higher your score will be.
- "Undo" and "Hint" as well as using more "Clicks" than the current difficulty setting requires,
will all make you lose a couple points.
by The JavaScript Source