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Tuesday, November 01, 2005


TWT: Casting doubts aside (2)

Hey, wow! I've had great feedback.Thanks people for tuning in.
I'm not 100% happy with this one - not me at my very best. I didn't think it was as funny as last time, but listen anyway. Again, PLEASE, tell me what you think.
The show went something like this:

-I gargle boiling acid while whistling the New Zealand National anthem
-I talk about how I'm nearly a real podcast
-I tapdance and play clarinet hanging from the ceiling
-I talk about my website - tenwithtom.com
-I eat an entire piano
-I complain about me feed
-My stomach sings the Aria from an Operetta I wrote
-Swear word of the week
-I recite the entire Latin New Testament in Pig Latin
-Talking pictures - Hagar
-I pull my own teeth on air
-Cranky pants
-I pull someone else's teeth on air
-Ten Points - results from last time
-I explain the infamous "Hardy Boys Joke"
-Thanks to Redboy, Aaron, Bruce from Zedcast, Cat and Bob from the Catfish Show, Just Plain Rick, Daryl and Kuma from Poddog.
-New Ten Points

Download Episode
Email me! Tom@TenWithTom.com

Ok, I may be slow but I didn't get the Hagar skit.
Well, Hagar and an old friend of his meeting for the first time since teenagers. Hagar calls his friend "Curly Jonson" - Curly Jonson is bald. Jonson calls Hagar "Skinny Hagar" - Hagar is a little overweight. Nevertheless the greet eachother: "You haven't changed a bit".
It's essentially a joke that makes light of an inner fear many of us have - growing old.
Hey Tom,
Love your work, keep it coming. I could spend more than 10 minutes with you each week, judging from your witty and thoughtful casts.

Your 5th biggest fan (i'm only 6'5" after all!)
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