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Tuesday, November 29, 2005


TWT: Something Borrowed (6)

Hey Kids, this is it! The last TWT before I'm a married man. Good riddance to singledom, I say. Well, I guess you'll be wanting to know what happens in the show. You're an inquisitive lot, that's for sure. Okay, so here's the scoop:

- Intro music: "March from Scipio" by an artist called George Handel. I'm assuming its podsafe.
- Weather for this weekend thanks to weatherzone.com.au.
- Wedding superstitions thanks to oldsuperstitions.com.
- Conspiracy theorists
- G'days from Shelly, Daryl and my mum.
- Ten Points: How much is a lobster?
- Ten Points: Banana Joke continues. E-mail Tom@TenWithTom.com for Ten Points entries.
- No TWT for a couple of weeks
- Send best wishes for the wedding to Tom@TenWithTom.com, or leave a message on my comment line (US) 206 20 20 TOM.
- Send your g'days there too
- See you guys soon...

Download the episode directly

Monday, November 21, 2005


TWT: The Hump Show (5)

Here it is folks, show 5! We're officially a podcast. To boot, we're also listen in Podcast Alley. Go do a search for Ten with Tom and vote. And if you are Steve Jobs, how about putting me into the iTunes directory?

Here's what happened:
- Tom makes a quick call to Redboy
- Intro by Charles from Mostly News
- Welcome to the Hump Show
- Wedding countdown
- Send me an iPod and I'll record the wedding
- Ten Points from last week - Congrats to Charles, DJ Max and Cat.
- Cranky Pants (thanks to The Global Language Monitor
- New Ten Points: Send your banana joke to tom@tenwithtom.com or send your leave a message on (US) 206 20 20 TOM.
- G'days from Charles, DJ Max, Cat, Daryl and Kuma.
- Send your g'days to tom@tenwithtom.com, leave a message on (US) 206 20 20 TOM, leave a comment here on my blog or leave a pin in my guestmap.
- Song: "The Adventures of Charlie" by The Me (www.myspace.com/themeisme).

Download the episode here

Monday, November 14, 2005


TWT: Dirty Laundry (4)

Live from the Newcastle Portable Media Expo in my kitchen. Sorry it's been a while folks, I've been up to my back teeth in stuff. But there's less stuff now. If you enjoyed the show, then you're sure to want to say g'day - tom@tenwithtom.com.

Today's show included (in alphabetical order):
-Greetings from Daryl and Kuma.
-The Newcastle Portable Media Expo
-I get excited about show 4
-Ten points from last week
-I'm a happy little Vegemite.
-New Ten Points
-G'days from Daryl and Kuma, Charles from Mostly News, Just Pete, Shelly from Shelly's Podcast and Danni from Borderline.
-I talk about tenwithtom.com
-Clever clock joke
-Daylight robbery

Wow! Action packed, as you can plainly see!

Download Now!

Wednesday, November 02, 2005


TWT: Road Worrier (3)

Hey hey hey my. Well we're officially up to show three. And when I say 'show', I mean 'show'. Well, not exactly. A very raw TWT Tom today. It's me in my car, just chatting and telling you about the scenery. I talk about The Poddog Show, The Zedcast, The Catfish Show (which I later had a great time singing along to - the way you can only do alone in your car)(I didn't record that bit). A bunch of Canadian casts! The Queen would be proud.
Here is a piccy of the lovely Hawkesbury River.
Image Hosted by ImageShack.us

Tuesday, November 01, 2005


TWT: Casting doubts aside (2)

Hey, wow! I've had great feedback.Thanks people for tuning in.
I'm not 100% happy with this one - not me at my very best. I didn't think it was as funny as last time, but listen anyway. Again, PLEASE, tell me what you think.
The show went something like this:

-I gargle boiling acid while whistling the New Zealand National anthem
-I talk about how I'm nearly a real podcast
-I tapdance and play clarinet hanging from the ceiling
-I talk about my website - tenwithtom.com
-I eat an entire piano
-I complain about me feed
-My stomach sings the Aria from an Operetta I wrote
-Swear word of the week
-I recite the entire Latin New Testament in Pig Latin
-Talking pictures - Hagar
-I pull my own teeth on air
-Cranky pants
-I pull someone else's teeth on air
-Ten Points - results from last time
-I explain the infamous "Hardy Boys Joke"
-Thanks to Redboy, Aaron, Bruce from Zedcast, Cat and Bob from the Catfish Show, Just Plain Rick, Daryl and Kuma from Poddog.
-New Ten Points

Download Episode
Email me! Tom@TenWithTom.com

A Cool Little Game For You!

Difficulty setting: - - -

Clicks used:

Current score:

Solve speed:

How to play:
Click on one of the buttons in the playing field
to subtract 1 from that button's value,
as well as from the values of the 4 surrounding ones.
Set all buttons to '0'.
Example (a click on the "2" in the middle):
Things you should know:
  • As soon as you click on "New", a new game starts.
  • The score starts counting down from 1000.
  • The quicker you finish, the higher your score will be.
  • "Undo" and "Hint" as well as using more "Clicks" than the current difficulty setting requires,
    will all make you lose a couple points.

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  1. Open iTunes - it needs to be iTune 4.9 or later.
  2. Up the top, click on the Advanced menu and scroll down and select Subscribe to Podcast
  3. In the text box that appears, type in http://feeds.feedburner.com/tenwithtom
  4. Click OK
  5. Congratulations! You're now ready to spend Ten with Tom!
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