Listen now, clicky here...

Tuesday, November 29, 2005
TWT: Something Borrowed (6)
- Intro music: "March from Scipio" by an artist called George Handel. I'm assuming its podsafe.
- Weather for this weekend thanks to
- Wedding superstitions thanks to
- Conspiracy theorists
- G'days from Shelly, Daryl and my mum.
- Ten Points: How much is a lobster?
- Ten Points: Banana Joke continues. E-mail for Ten Points entries.
- No TWT for a couple of weeks
- Send best wishes for the wedding to, or leave a message on my comment line (US) 206 20 20 TOM.
- Send your g'days there too
- See you guys soon...
Download the episode directly
Monday, November 21, 2005
TWT: The Hump Show (5)
Here's what happened:
- Tom makes a quick call to Redboy
- Intro by Charles from Mostly News
- Welcome to the Hump Show
- Wedding countdown
- Send me an iPod and I'll record the wedding
- Ten Points from last week - Congrats to Charles, DJ Max and Cat.
- Cranky Pants (thanks to The Global Language Monitor
- New Ten Points: Send your banana joke to or send your leave a message on (US) 206 20 20 TOM.
- G'days from Charles, DJ Max, Cat, Daryl and Kuma.
- Send your g'days to, leave a message on (US) 206 20 20 TOM, leave a comment here on my blog or leave a pin in my guestmap.
- Song: "The Adventures of Charlie" by The Me (
Download the episode here
Monday, November 14, 2005
TWT: Dirty Laundry (4)
Today's show included (in alphabetical order):
-Greetings from Daryl and Kuma.
-The Newcastle Portable Media Expo
-I get excited about show 4
-Ten points from last week
-I'm a happy little Vegemite.
-New Ten Points
-G'days from Daryl and Kuma, Charles from Mostly News, Just Pete, Shelly from Shelly's Podcast and Danni from Borderline.
-I talk about
-Clever clock joke
-Daylight robbery
Wow! Action packed, as you can plainly see!
Download Now!
Wednesday, November 02, 2005
TWT: Road Worrier (3)
Here is a piccy of the lovely Hawkesbury River.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005
TWT: Casting doubts aside (2)
I'm not 100% happy with this one - not me at my very best. I didn't think it was as funny as last time, but listen anyway. Again, PLEASE, tell me what you think.
The show went something like this:
-I gargle boiling acid while whistling the New Zealand National anthem
-I talk about how I'm nearly a real podcast
-I tapdance and play clarinet hanging from the ceiling
-I talk about my website -
-I eat an entire piano
-I complain about me feed
-My stomach sings the Aria from an Operetta I wrote
-Swear word of the week
-I recite the entire Latin New Testament in Pig Latin
-Talking pictures - Hagar
-I pull my own teeth on air
-Cranky pants
-I pull someone else's teeth on air
-Ten Points - results from last time
-I explain the infamous "Hardy Boys Joke"
-Thanks to Redboy, Aaron, Bruce from Zedcast, Cat and Bob from the Catfish Show, Just Plain Rick, Daryl and Kuma from Poddog.
-New Ten Points
Download Episode
Email me!
A Cool Little Game For You!
- How to play:
- Click on one of the buttons in the playing field
to subtract 1 from that button's value,
as well as from the values of the 4 surrounding ones. - Objective:
- Set all buttons to '0'.
- Example (a click on the "2" in the middle):
0 1 2 3 2 --> 3 0 1 2 1
- Things you should know:
- As soon as you click on "New", a new game starts.
- The score starts counting down from 1000.
- The quicker you finish, the higher your score will be.
- "Undo" and "Hint" as well as using more "Clicks" than the current difficulty setting requires,
will all make you lose a couple points.
by The JavaScript Source