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Saturday, December 31, 2005
Merry Christmas to all!
What's this? Nearly three weeks since my last podcast? Gad, I've been as slack as a tug-of-war rope in a geriatric ward. The very astute of you will have realised that I've used that joke before. Long before Ten with Tom, I ran a little blog by the name of Sandgate Road. SGR has been described as many things, the least offensive of which is: A useful social commentary. It is essentially TWT with bad spelling. I don't really have enough TWT episode to do holday re-runs, but if you're desperate for some internet entertainment and Limewire is down, pop over to SGR and peruse the humourous entires. Here's a couple of particularly good ones to get you started:
Well, the wedding was beautiful. Absolutely fine weather, and the day ran smoothly. Fantastic holiday in Fiji, followed by the fun of setting up a house together. But, I'm sure that can wait for the next show.
Anyhue (preferably magenta - another joke rerun) I must be off. Thanks for stopping by.
Well, the wedding was beautiful. Absolutely fine weather, and the day ran smoothly. Fantastic holiday in Fiji, followed by the fun of setting up a house together. But, I'm sure that can wait for the next show.
Anyhue (preferably magenta - another joke rerun) I must be off. Thanks for stopping by.
From my family to yours, Merry Christmas to you all and a happy New Year!
A Cool Little Game For You!
- How to play:
- Click on one of the buttons in the playing field
to subtract 1 from that button's value,
as well as from the values of the 4 surrounding ones. - Objective:
- Set all buttons to '0'.
- Example (a click on the "2" in the middle):
0 1 2 3 2 --> 3 0 1 2 1
- Things you should know:
- As soon as you click on "New", a new game starts.
- The score starts counting down from 1000.
- The quicker you finish, the higher your score will be.
- "Undo" and "Hint" as well as using more "Clicks" than the current difficulty setting requires,
will all make you lose a couple points.
by The JavaScript Source