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Sunday, October 30, 2005


Episoode two coming

Have you ever had one of those days?
Argh. Ten with Tom Two IS coming. I am not a one hit wonder to go silently into the night, but, let's just say TECHNICAL ISSUES got in the way. Expect a new show in a couple of days. Sorry Folks, thanks for all the feedback.


Sunday, October 23, 2005


TWT: The Pilot Episode

This episode has to be the very epitome of monologue. I introduce my crazy segments, complain a little and show you some wild Kung-Fu moves I picked up while working for Hong Kong Intelligence. Okay, that's not quite true - the segments aren't all that crazy. Please listen and tell me what you think! Email me now!

I mention The Redboy Podcast, The Big Show and make subliminal refernce to This and That w/ Jeff and Pat.

tom at tenwithtom dot com

Thanks guys, love Tom.

Download Episode One
Email me

Thursday, October 06, 2005


My second entry...

Er...ah nuts, I forgot what I was going to say.
This will be the home of the podcast, Ten with Tom. There are 1400 minutes in every day, why not spend ten with Tom? It will have everything - laughs, tears, provocative commenary, the latest news, something for eveyrone!


Welcome to Ten with Tom

This is the first entry. A pilot entry, if you will.

A Cool Little Game For You!

Difficulty setting: - - -

Clicks used:

Current score:

Solve speed:

How to play:
Click on one of the buttons in the playing field
to subtract 1 from that button's value,
as well as from the values of the 4 surrounding ones.
Set all buttons to '0'.
Example (a click on the "2" in the middle):
Things you should know:
  • As soon as you click on "New", a new game starts.
  • The score starts counting down from 1000.
  • The quicker you finish, the higher your score will be.
  • "Undo" and "Hint" as well as using more "Clicks" than the current difficulty setting requires,
    will all make you lose a couple points.

Free JavaScripts provided
by The JavaScript Source

How to Subscribe to Ten with Tom in iTunes
  1. Open iTunes - it needs to be iTune 4.9 or later.
  2. Up the top, click on the Advanced menu and scroll down and select Subscribe to Podcast
  3. In the text box that appears, type in http://feeds.feedburner.com/tenwithtom
  4. Click OK
  5. Congratulations! You're now ready to spend Ten with Tom!
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